Yoga Strengthening

Yoga Strength and Conditioning

Yoga Strength and Conditioning uses targeted stretching and strengthening that is tailored to each patient’s unique treatment plan. Traditional Yoga is modified to accommodate the patient’s physical needs and abilities. Static holds help build isometric muscle power, tone muscles, and facilitate safe stretching of targeted muscle groups. The controlled transitions in and out of postures enhance coordination and core strength. By emphasizing proper form and alignment, we work toward regaining previous levels of strength and flexibility within your physical limits.

Initial Visit

To build your customized program, the yoga instructor will discuss your injury, the current and past symptoms, your lifestyle, and your goals. The instructor will then walk you through some basic yoga postures to observe your body mechanics, muscle weakness, or muscle tightness.


Each 45 minute one-on-one session is highly personalized to the patient’s individual abilities, making appropriate modifications, to provide a safe yoga practice, especially for yoga beginners and those recovering from injury. The sessions focus on pain management and regaining structural balance and strength to restore and optimize overall health and performance. Each session builds on the progress of the patient and home workouts are provided at the end of each session to maintain the improved muscle development and flexibility.


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    © 2023 Dr. Robert Afra – San Diego Orthopedic Surgery Shoulder – Knee – Elbow